Supporting my child's Speech and Language
0-6 Months
6-12 months
1-2 Years
2-3 Years
3-5 Years
If your child is in Pre-school or Nursery, we will continue to review their development and will discuss this with you. If your child needs extra support, the health visitor and the school nurse can help alongside the schools SENDCO. They may put you in touch with a Speech and Language therapist or support a referral to the Speech and Language service to ensure your child's receives the appropriate support.
You can always ask staff in school or your health visitor for support whenever you feel you might need it. They will be be able to provide tips and advice.
It is important to remember that children learn to talk at different ages.
If you are worried speak to your child's teacher or your health worker.
Ideas to help your child learn by chatting, playing and reading with them
Make daily routines fun
- Start conversations by asking questions with lots of possible answers - for example, 'What is your favourite toy?' and 'What do you want to do tomorrow?' .
- Encourage them to problem solve, for example, 'Your favourite hat is missing, what shall we do?'
- When you're looking at picture books together, ask your child if they remember what happens or if they can guess what happens next.
Use music and sounds
- Chat about words that start with the same sound, for instance words beginning with the letter 'P'.
- Think of as many rhyming words as you can for different objects you can see.
Play pretend games
- Try role-playing games together, like shopping - set out items on the sofa, give your child a bag and pretend money, and take it in turns to be the shopkeeper.
- Play a make believe journey like going into space - make a rocket out of a cardboard box you can decorate together, or cushions, and include some toy passengers for your adventure.
- Start a simple game with your child by making up a story together about their favourite toy going to the beach and encourage your child to take the lead.
- Play i-spy.
Explore outside
- A fun way to help your child listen and learn new words is to create an obstacle course with blankets and cardboard boxes and set challenges like 'Crawl under the blanket' or 'Sit in the box' - Take it in turns so they can practise giving the instructions.
For more ideas on how you can support your child visit: