Willowpark Primary Academy



Intent, Implementation & Impact

At Willowpark, we aim for a high quality history curriculum which will inspire in pupils a curiosity and interest in Britain's past and that of the wider world. It will give students a broad and balanced view of the History of Britain and other societies with the intention to improve every students' cultural capital , understanding of the world around them and their own heritage.

Out curriculum is based around a range of enquiry questions and has been organised  along several principals which include exploring cause and consequence, similarities and differences and the significance of these.  We want to develop a sense of curiosity about the past and how people interpret it, then encourage students to challenge their own and others' views.  We will develop each students ability to think, reflect, debate, discuss and evaluate these lines of enquiry.

This will be implemented in numerous ways throughout school. Lessons will be develop long term memory by allowing for repetition of learning and revisiting prior learning across year groups.  A blocked curriculum approach has been implemented to ensure coverage and progression in all skills relating to History.  

The teaching of history will include;

  • Revisiting prior knowledge and making meaningful connections.
  • Explicit modelling of subject specific vocabulary.
  • Use of images/artefacts to promote learning and allow exploration.
  • Knowledge organisers will scaffold and support children to learn  and retain new facts and vocabulary.
  • Consistent learning walls and displays across school provide a point of reference for children. 
  • Curriculum quizzes are used to review learning and check children know more and retain more.
  • Use of sources to support children's understanding of primary and secondary and allow them to consider different viewpoints.
  • Outdoor learning is used where appropriate.

Cross-curricular opportunities are explored where relevant - Art/DT opportunities. Computing, Geography are all included within history focus topics where appropriate.

As a result of this approach to the teaching and learning of History at Willowpark, children will;

  • Know more, remember more and understand more about History.
  • Have a passion for learning about their past and their own heritage.
  • Have an improved cultural capital and knowledge of the world around them.
  • Understand and confidently use the key skills of chronology, knowledge and interpretation and enquiry skills.
  • Develop their own communication skills and be able to use a range of sources to construct their own opinions about the past including the use of ICT.
  • Use their skills and knowledge to be able to write for a purpose about different topics.




 History Skills

Children will learn and be able to apply skills of:

* Chronological Understanding

* Historical Knowledge

* Historical Enquiry and Interpretation

* Historical communication

Key Documents 


History skills progression document


history progression skills complete 1 .pdf


Intent, Implementation & Impact Document 


history iii doc 22 23.pdf