At South Pennine Academies, we want every student to have the best possible chance to
achieve in school. Stronger partnerships with families, local businesses, community
agencies and universities are essential as we focus on improving student outcomes.
Reading and phonics are taught as an integral part of our English lessons using quality texts from a wide range of authors and genres. Children are encouraged to explore texts from our rich and varied literary heritage including poetry and play scripts and to discover books written by both well-known and up and coming authors. Non-fiction texts are chosen to match topic themes, current events and children’s interests.
In addition to the teaching of reading skills and comprehension through English lessons, children read texts which are accurately matched to their reading ability and phonics stage. 'Free Readers' in Key Stage 2 have a wide variety of texts to choose from and are encouraged to read texts from a variety of authors.
Once children have progressed on to ‘Free Readers’ there is a large selection of books in each classroom for children to choose from and they are encouraged to read a variety of text types and books by different authors.
Children read to an adult several times a week in school according to their needs and we ask that parents and carers support their child at home in line with our home-school agreement.
Reading at home
Our policy is that all children from Reception to Year 6 read with an adult every night, this includes weekends and school holidays. Regular practice allows children to develop their reading skills as well as enjoying a wide variety of texts.
A record is kept in each class of which children have read each night and prizes are regularly awarded to children who have read to an adult every night. Please look in the front of your child’s reading diary to see more information about how you can ensure your child is involved in our reading rewards.
Read with fluency, accuracy and understanding.
Develop an understanding and appreciation of a wide range of literary and non-fiction texts
We also keep a record of the % of each class that has read every day - the class with the highest % at the end of the week is awarded a 'Golden Book' for their class from a list that the children have complied with their teachers!
Our policy is that all children from Reception to Year 6 read with an adult every night, this includes weekends and school holidays. Regular practice allows children to develop their reading skills as well as enjoying a wide variety of texts.
A record is kept in each class of which children have read each night and prizes are regularly awarded to children who have read to an adult every night. Please look in the front of your child’s reading diary to see more information about how you can ensure your child is involved in our reading rewards.
Our Pupil Reading Council help us to monitor children's reading diaries and our reward bookmark system that encourages children to read regularly to earn bronze, silver and gold level rewards.
They also read stories on a weekly basis in other classes, help to organise whole school events such as book swaps and World Book day and are really good role models to others with our 'Reading Everyday' expectation - they do a great job!
Reading Council
National Storytelling Week 2024
To celebrate National Storytelling Week, each class in our Academy focused on their Class Author/text and chose a book they have been reading and enjoying together. They talked about the story, the plot, the characters and how they felt about the book and if they would recommend the text to someone else. Working together, each class has produced a book review display about their chosen text, which we have displayed outside our School Library - we think these are great!
Our reviewed story books -
Bizzy Bear Space Rocket - Pre School
The Magic Porridge Pot - Nursery
Aliens love Underpants - Reception Class
Kippers Snowy day - Year 1
Silly Billy - Anthony Browne
George's Marvellous Medicine - Year 3
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - Year 4
Room 13 - Year 5
Darwin's Dragons - Year 6
Storytelling Week
Our Reading Award winners for Key Stage 1 & 2
Key Stage 2 Reading Award WinnerKey Stage 1 Reading Award Winner
Help with Phonics at home!
A guide to phonics for parents:
How to listen to your child read a RWI book at home
How to help your child learn the RWI phonic sounds
Why read to your child?
What to expect from the Phonic Screening check in Year 1