Admissions Information
Choosing a school for your child is an important decision for you and your family.
You are welcome to make an appointment to come and visit the Academy at any time to look around and meet the staff.
Please contact Alison Watson in the office to arrange a visit.
Admission to Pre-School (2 year olds)
Government funding is available to qualifying families for 15 hours per week places for 2 year olds.
Check if you are entitled to free childcare for your 2 year old -
Funding for 2 year olds
Government funding is also available for working families -please see the link below.
Childcare for working families
Parent funded places are also available, with sessions charged at £11 for a morning or an afternoon. We can also offer lunchtime provision for those children wanting all day care. This is charged at £2.75 a day. Children may bring a packed lunch or pay for a hot meal in addition to this .
All fees are payable in advance. For more information or an application form please contact Mrs Watson in the school office or Mrs Moran.
Admission to Nursery Class
Government funding for free Early Years Education is available for 15 hours a week for all children from January, September or April following their 3rd birthday.
30 hour funded places are available for working parents who meet the government criteria. Any additional sessions are charged at £11 per session (morning or afternoon) . All fees are payable in advance. Lunchtime provision is £2.75 per day. Children are welcome to bring a packed lunch or pay for a hot meal in addition to this.
Nursery application forms are available from the main office- 0161 369 5699
Arrangements for admission at age 4 (Reception Class)
The academy trust plans to offer 30 places at age 4.
This will be the admission number for the academy (AN).
Application process
Arrangement for applications for places at Willowpark Primary Academy will be made in accordance with Oldham Local Authority coordinated admission arrangements, as published on the LA’s website: Oldham Council or by telephoning 0161 770 4213
- In order to be eligible for a place parents must make Willowpark Primary Academy one of their three choices in the local authority primary common application form (PCAF), supplied by their home Local Authority and return it as instructed by the Local Authority. Please note that this is now an online ONLY form within the Oldham Local Authority.
- If the number of preferences received is less than the PAN then all preferences will be met.
- If there are more applications than places available at the academy the oversubscription criteria will be applied.
- It is very important that the form is returned by the closing date (15th January 2025 at 11.59pm) because forms received after this date will be treated as ‘late’. Late applications are not dealt with until all those received on time have been through the application process.
Oldham Council Admissions Page
Important dates
Appeals process
Please see the link below to the Oldham Council School appeals information.
Dates to be aware of for appeals for Academic Year 2022-2023
- Appeal form available 16th April 2025
- Closing date to submit an appeal form - 9th May 2025
- Last week for appeal hearings - 7th July 2025
Appeals information - Oldham Council
In year admissions
In year applications are those made during the school year for the normal year of admission and those made for admission to age groups other than the normal year of admission.
Applications for in year admissions should be made directly to the academy. Parents are requested to use the Oldham ICAF, these are available from the academy office. If your child has a Statement of Special Educational Needs/EHCP please do not complete the ICAF. Please contact your child’s special educational needs caseworker to discuss a change of school.
If there are places available
We will send out a letter to a parent/carer within 10 days of the application being received (unless it is during a school holiday), giving a decision to offer a place at the Academy.
The offer letter will include an include an admissions meeting date. At this meeting we will assist in completion of admissions paperwork and agree a start date with parents/carers.
If there are no places available
If there are no places available, we will write to you saying that we cannot offer your child a place with us and asking whether you would like us to add your child’s name to our waiting list.
The Governing Body will use the oversubscription criteria and procedures outlined in the Academy Admissions Policy to rank unsuccessful applicants in a waiting list so that further places may be offered if they become available.
Please see Policies page for admissions policy